Since Maggie & Jon can remember, they’ve wanted to start our own company. They always dreamed of being their own boss, building teams of smart people, and changing the world. But as college students, there are a lot of factors that get in the way: discouraging people who’ve said to get a “real job,” not knowing the right steps to take to build a company, and, of course, mega-huge fear of failure!

But not giving themselves a chance to launch our startup was even scarier - what if they never tried? What if they missed their chance on a great idea? What if they got stuck in a corporate job under fluorescent lights and always regretted not following their dreams?

That’s the exact reason why they started Spur Startup.

Spur Startup is a launchpad for innovative people like you, making the transition into the startup world after college easier than ever. Here, you can learn what you don't know you need to know and how to actually start using that knowledge you've gained. You can finally transform that idea you have into your dream business.