Student Wins $10K, Title of Best Student Entrepreneur In the US She Created KnoNap, A Napkin That Detects Rape Drugs Read More Student SpotlightMaggie BartonFebruary 10, 2018Students, Startup Life, Entrepreneurship, CompetitionsComment
12 Days of Zen ZentrepreneurMaggie BartonDecember 13, 2016Entrepreneurship, Managing Stress, Motivation, Startup Life, Startup Tips Comments
3 things you should know about fear of launching a startup Startup SchoolMaggie BartonOctober 26, 2016Entrepreneurship, Mentorship, Startup Life Comments
3 Ways Building my First Prototype Turned me into a Real Entrepreneur Student SpotlightMaggie BartonOctober 11, 2016Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Startup Life, Students, TestimonialComment
Why asking for help makes you a startup rockstar Startup SchoolMaggie BartonAugust 1, 2016Entrepreneurship, Mentorship, Startup Life Comment
An open letter to my mentor LOLMaggie BartonMay 31, 2016Entrepreneurship, Mentors, Mentorship, Startup LifeComment
Turning your passions into profits: How being creative landed this designer her own TV show #WiseWordsMaggie BartonMay 27, 2016Branding, Entrepreneurship, Mentors, Motivation Comments
#SPURmoments: Olia Bosovik Student SpotlightMaggie BartonMay 20, 2016Entrepreneurship, Startup Life, Startup Tips Comment
What type of Entrepreneur are you? – Quiz time! LOLMaggie BartonMay 12, 2016Entrepreneurship, Quizzes, Startup LifeComment
6 Ways to be a great entrepreneur, grom a Shark Tank insider #WiseWordsMaggie BartonMay 4, 2016Entrepreneurship, Mentorship, Startup Tips Comment
Meet Nicholas Ryan, our new Student Ambassador from Australia! Student SpotlightMaggie BartonApril 29, 2016Entrepreneurship, Students, TestimonialComment
Students of the Week: Ashton Kennedy & Veena Somareddy Student SpotlightMaggie BartonApril 27, 2016Entrepreneurship, Social good, TestimonialComment
Student of the Week: Justin Elhert Student SpotlightMaggie BartonApril 20, 2016Entrepreneurship, Food, Social goodComment
Mentor of the Week: Philip Zeller #WiseWordsMaggie BartonApril 20, 2016Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Startup TipsComment
Manageing scope creep, the key to tackling big ideas Startup SchoolMaggie BartonApril 13, 2016Entrepreneurship, Project Management, Startup TipsComment
Mentor of the Week: Jeremy Vickers #WiseWordsMaggie BartonApril 13, 2016Entrepreneurship, Mentors, Mentorship, Startup Life, Startup Tips, Students, Testimonial Comments
Student of the Week: Jason Dang Student SpotlightMaggie BartonApril 13, 2016Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Startup Life, TestimonialComment
Mentor of the Week: Lila Thomas #WiseWordsMaggie BartonApril 8, 2016Entrepreneurship, Mentors, Startup LifeComment